Monday, February 2, 2015

A Theory of Squirrel-tivity

There is something very interesting going on at Marvel at it seems as though no one has picked up on it yet. It appears they may have changed the origins of one of their long time characters in the comic universe and so far no one has stopped to think of what this could mean.

Squirrel Grl has long since identified herself as a mutant through and through. In the Marvel universe a characters identification is VERY important, think about what would happen if someone called Magneto a human, yikes!
However, we get something completely different in the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl 1.
Look at the below pages and see if you can tell what they are:

The three above pictures show Doreen is identifying herself as a human, not mutant, with partially squirrel blood. Here we have a previously open mutant calling herself a human. Why would this make a big deal then? Why the change of heart on how Squirrel Girl identifies herself?
Source: screenrant

They're why.
Marvel fought to have the twins be part of the MCU claiming that even thought at the time they were mutants at the time. Marvel could use them, but not call them mutants, and not say Magneto was their father. So in Age of Ultron we have Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch appearing when Quicksilver also appeared in Days of Future Past. All because Marvel showed that the duo were both important to not only the X-Men franchise, but also the Avengers franchise too.
Squirrel Girl has mainly appeared in MANY Avengers comics, even living in the abandoned Avengers Mansion, barely if ever showing up in a X title. Could Marvel have figured out they also can lay claim to Squirrel Girl from the Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch agreement. Does this mean that Squirrel girl CAN show up in the defenders series, or maybe in Infinity War, OR maybe in her own movie?
Wouldn't that be nuts?

Friday, January 16, 2015

An interesting look into Ultimate Jessica Drew a different take on transgendered characters:

With awareness to transgendered individuals on the rise and these people looking for their voice in media Marvel has done a good job of giving representation in the form of the Ultimate universes Jessica Drew.


Originally a clone of that universe’s Peter Parker, Jessica has strived to be her own separate entity from Peter. Jessica strove to initially not interfere with Peter during the clone saga, until Peter came across her and attacked her thinking she was responsible for MJ’s kidnapping. She worked along Pete until the clone saga was finished and decided to go off and find her own identity.


When she did come back, she ran across the Human Torch Johnny Storm, who predictably hit on Spider-woman. Jessica, who has all of Peter’s memories and thoughts, was very nervous about starting a relationship with someone so close to Peter resisted. The two did share an off panel kiss, and it was never stated if the two did anything more.


Fast forward to The New Ultimates #4, the girls on the team are having a nice day off and relaxing, when the topic Jessica’s sexuality came up. Jessica explains that even though she is a girl on the outside her brain is still that of a teenage boy. She admits she is confused and not sure if it is her herself or “Peter’s” brain that is driving her and mentions that she has an affinity to redheads, brunettes and particularly Jewish girls (note: Kitty Pryde, Peter’s ex is part of the team). This shows that Jessica is still struggling with who she is and if she is in control or not. The entire exchange can be passed off as her making a quip and breaking the deep, emotional tension the only way she knows how, by joking. Kitty is clearly a little unsettled by this as she does still hold feelings toward Peter.


In the final issue of The New Ultimates the front page has handy chart showing the characters relationship. One line shows who has a crush on who. It clearly shows a one way arrow from Jessica to Kitty. Serving as a small subtle wink to Jessica’s sexuality, giving people further proof that Jessica may not have been kidding around at the beach in issue 4. The final pages also include a small interaction with Jessica and Kitty where Jessica mentions again wanting to make out with Kitty, it again could be a funny “ha ha” moment, or it could be Jess deflecting her issues with humour, much like Peter Parker.


To some this could look like some form of fan service or OMGZ LEZBIANZ!!@!!, but it could be Marvel handling a unique characters sexuality. Jessica identifies as a girl, but her brain is that of a boy. She addresses that it is confusing and she doesn’t understand what she feels. They have not yet addressed if she is actually straight, gay, or transgendered, but also have done their best to make sure it is not so cut and dry as she is or isn’t. it is a journey for Jessica to find her true self and while I am sad to see The New Ultimates end at issue 12, I do hope that Jessica does continue to be a presence and we can share in her journey to discover who she is, what she wants and is ultimately happy being herself.